selecting multiple svg elements and dragging them in Raphael.js
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
I basically have an svg document with multiple shapes开发者_如何学编程,lines,text,etc... and I am trying to implement a selection tool which helps me select multiple elements, group them and drag them.
There is a feature in raphäel called set:
You can add all the elements you want to drag around to a new set and then apply the dragging mechanism to the set.
I made you this:
It's not perfect. I would add the mousemove event to the document, but for that you need a library like jQuery. Otherwise if you move the mouse to fast you have a fall out.
I did this (example here) :
EDIT : something cleaner
Create methods to set and retrieve the group of an element :
Raphael.el.setGroup = function (group) { = group; }; Raphael.el.getGroup = function () { return; };
Create the method of your grouped elements :
Raphael.fn.superRect = function (x, y, w, h, text) { var background = this.rect(x, y, w, h).attr({ fill: "#FFF", stroke: "#000", "stroke-width": 1 }); var label = this.text(x+w/2,y+h/2, text); var layer = this.rect(x, y, w, h).attr({ fill: "#FFF", "fill-opacity": 0, "stroke-opacity": 0, cursor: "move" }); var group = this.set(); group.push(background, label, layer); layer.setGroup(group); return layer; };
create functions to drag a grouped elements :
var dragger = function () { = this.getGroup(); this.previousDx = 0; this.previousDy = 0; }, move = function (dx, dy) { var txGroup = dx-this.previousDx; var tyGroup = dy-this.previousDy;,tyGroup); this.previousDx = dx; this.previousDy = dy; }, up = function () {};
Init SVG paper and create your elements (the order of element is important)::
window.onload = function() { var paper = Raphael(0, 0,"100%", "100%"); var x=50, y=50, w=30, h=20; paper.superRect(x, y, w, h, "abc").drag(move, dragger, up); x +=100; paper.superRect(x, y, w, h, "def").drag(move, dragger, up); };