Zend MVC:: How can javascript file + javascript code inserted to partial for head or body area?
How can javascript file + javascript code inserted to partial for head or body area?
[Inside view simply call for insert to head to HeadScript and to body InlineScript - this not works inside partial(If I am wrong please write). ]
I have not tried this, but have you tried using the following code inside your partial
$view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView();
I know you were saying it doesn't work, but maybe its the method your getting your view instance?
In theory it should work.
I know this is far out of date, but maybe other like me having the same problem:
Make sure that you render your partial BEFORE you echo your headscript/links ;) Took a while to figure out,.. but it does have some degree of logic in it :p
try this work for me :D
<?php echo '<?php $this->headScript()->appendFile ($this->baseUrl(). "/js/jquery.jplayer.min.js" );?>';?>