Create a strongly typed log4net level from a string
I noticed log4net has a strongly typed Level class. Does anyone know if there's a way to create a Level object by parsing a log level string?
For example:
I want to parse the error level string "ERROR" into the equivalent log4net.Core.Level.Error object, and likewise for other logging levels.
I wrote my own (naive) method to do this (see below), but I was hoping there was something internal to log4net that would do this for me.
public static Level ParseLevel(string level)
switch (level.ToUpperInvariant())
case "ALERT":
return log4net.Core.Level.Alert;
case "ALL":
return log4net.Core.Level.All;
case "CRITICAL":
return log4net.Core.Level.Critical;
case "DEBUG":
开发者_如何学Python return log4net.Core.Level.Debug;
return log4net.Core.Level.Emergency;
case "ERROR":
return log4net.Core.Level.Error;
case "FATAL":
return log4net.Core.Level.Fatal;
case "FINE":
return log4net.Core.Level.Fine;
case "FINER":
return log4net.Core.Level.Finer;
case "FINEST":
return log4net.Core.Level.Finest;
case "INFO":
return log4net.Core.Level.Info;
case "NOTICE":
return log4net.Core.Level.Notice;
case "OFF":
return log4net.Core.Level.Off;
case "SEVERE":
return log4net.Core.Level.Severe;
case "TRACE":
return log4net.Core.Level.Trace;
case "VERBOSE":
return log4net.Core.Level.Verbose;
case "WARN":
return log4net.Core.Level.Warn;
throw new Exception("Invalid logging level specified");
Edit: Based on Dr. Wily's Apprentice's recommendation, here's what I came up with in the end using the LevelMap:
using System;
using System.Linq;
public static Level ParseLevel(string level)
var loggerRepository = LoggerManager.GetAllRepositories().FirstOrDefault();
if (loggerRepository == null)
throw new Exception("No logging repositories defined");
var stronglyTypedLevel = loggerRepository.LevelMap[level];
if (stronglyTypedLevel == null)
throw new Exception("Invalid logging level specified");
return stronglyTypedLevel;
It looks like that is the purpose of the LevelMap
EDIT: You can get a LevelMap
from the LevelMap property of an ILoggerRepository
, if you have access to one.
You can use reflection to get the list of log levels and use this list to fill the LevelMap.
using System.Reflection;
using log4net.Core;
namespace MyUtils
/// <summary>
/// for getting the log level that belongs to a string
/// </summary>
public static class LogLevelMap
static LevelMap levelMap = new LevelMap();
static LogLevelMap()
foreach (FieldInfo fieldInfo in typeof(Level).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(Level))
public static Level GetLogLevel(string logLevel)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(logLevel))
return null;
return levelMap[logLevel];
Well, as long as each level is defined in Level class as:
public static readonly Level Warn;
I don't see a nice way to handle it (you could use reflection to enumerate properties, but i don't think it's worth). The only improvement to your code i see, instead of hard coded string values, use values from Level.Name instead.