
Would this be a good idea against XSS?

as it isn't really popular to use Origin / X-Frame-Options http header and I don't think the new CSP in Firefox would be better (overhead, complicate, etc.) I want to make a proposal for a new JavaScript / ECMA version.

But first I publish the idea so you can say if its bad. I call it simple jsPolicy:

Everyone who uses JavaScript has placed scripts in his html head. So why don't we use them to add our policies there to control all following scripts. example:

window.policy.inner = ["\nfunction foo(bar) {\n  return bar;\n}\n", "foo(this);"];
function foo(bar) {
  return bar;
<a href="#" onclick="foo(this);">Click Me</a>

Now the browser compares the <scripts>.innerHTML and the onclick.value with the ones in the policy and so the last script element block is not executed (ignored).

Of course it won't be useful to double all the inline code, so we use checksums instead. example:

crc32("\nfunction foo(bar) {\n  return bar;\n}\n");

results "1077388790"

And now the full example:

if (typeof window.policy != 'undefined') {
  window.policy.inner = ["1077388790", "2501246156"];
  window.policy.url = ["http://code.jquery.com/jquery*.js","http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit"];
  window.policy.relative = ["js/*.js"];
  window.policy.report = ["api/xssreport.php"];

The browser only needs to compare if the checksum of an inline script is set in the policy.inner or if the script.src URL fits to the policy.url.

Note: The idea behind policy.relative is to allow loca开发者_StackOverflow中文版l scripts only:

window.policy.url = false;
window.policy.relative = ["js/*.js"];

Note: policy.report should be nearly the same as done with CSP (sends blocked scripts and urls to an api):



  • The policy can't be set twice (else it throws a warning) = constant
  • To think about: The policy can only be set in the head (else it throws a warning)
  • The policy is only used to check the scripts that are part of the html source and not those that are placed on-the-fly. example:
    document.write('<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.5.2.min.js"></scr' + 'ipt>');
    You don't need a policy.url definition for "http://code.jquery.com..." as the policy.inner checksum validated the complete script source. This means the source is loaded even if policy.url is set to false (yes it's still secure!). This garantuees a simple usage of the policy.
  • if one of the policies is missing there is no limitation. This means that an empty policy.relative results that all local files are allowed. This guarantees backward compatibility
  • if one of the policies is set to "false" no usage is allowed (default is true). example:
    policy.inner = false;
    This disallows any inline scripting
  • The policy only ignores disallowed scripts and throws a warning to the console (an error would stop the execution of allowed scripts and this isn't needed)

I think this would make XSS impossible and instead of CSP it would avoid persistent XSS as well (as long nobody overwrites the Policy) and it would be much easier to update.

What do you think?


Here is an example made in Javascript:


Of course we can't control the script execution, but it shows how it could work if a jsPolicy compatible browser would.


Don't think I'm talking about coding a little javascript function to detect xss!! My jsPolicy idea has to be part of a new JavaScript engine. You can compare it to a php-setting placed into the .htaccess file. You can not change this setting in runtime. The same requirements apply to jsPolicy. You can call it a global setting.

jsPolicy in short words:

HTML parser -> send scripts to JavaScript Engine -> compare with jsPolicy -> is allowed?

A) yes, execution through JavaScript Engine

B) no, ignored and send report to webmaster


Referenced to Mike's comment this would be a possible setting, too:

window.policy.eval = false;

Cross-site scripting occurs on the client-side. Your policies are defined on the client-side. See the problem?

I like Content Security Policy, and I use it on all of my projects. In fact, I am working on a JavaScript framework, which has one of its requirements "be CSP-friendly."

CSP > crossdomain.xml > your policy.

The vast majority of XSS attacks come from "trusted" sources, at least as far as the browser is concerned. They are usually the result of echo'ing user input, e.g. in a forum, and not properly escaping the input. You're never going to get an XSS from linking to jquery, and it is extremely rare that you will from any other linked source.

In the case when you are trying to do cross-domain scripting, you can't get a checksum on the remote script.

So although your idea seems fine, I don't really see a point to it.

This idea keeps getting floated and re-floated every so often... and each time security experts debunk it.
Don't mean to sound harsh, but this is not a development problem, it is a security problem. Specifically, most developers don't realize how many variants, vectors, exploits and evasion techniques there are.

As some of the other answers here mentioned, the problem is that your solution does not solve the problem, of whether or not to trust whatever arrives at the browser, since on the client side you have no way of knowing what is code, and what is data. Even your solution does not prevent this.

See e.g. this question on ITsec.SE for some of the practical issues with implementing this. (your question is kinda a duplicate of that one, more or less... )

Btw, re CSP - check this other question on ITsec.SE.

The policy is only used to check the scripts that are part of the html source and not those that are placed on-the-fly. example: document.write(''); You don't need a policy.url definition for "http://code.jquery.com..." as the policy.inner checksum validated the complete script source. This means the source is loaded even if policy.url is set to false (yes it's still secure!). This garantuees a simple usage of the policy.

It seems like you've given the whole game away here.

If I have code like

// Pull parameters out of query string.
var match = location.search.match(/[&?]([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/);


and someone tricks a user into visiting my site with the query string ?eval=alert%28%22pwned%22%29 then they've been XSSed, and your policy has done nothing to stop it.





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