
Retrieving an element from within another element with a different namespace than the root

I'm trying to create and xpath expression that returns me the value of a node however I found my self unable to do so as the element is within another element that has a different namespace from the root.

For example I'm trying to retrieve the InternalSystemId from the following xml but traditional XML won't work

XPATH I'm trying to use


XML I'm have

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <Header xmlns="">
                <Body xmlns="">
                            <EventType>A type</EventType>

The Call-Name element is in the namespace whose URI is "http://www.mysite.com/interface/genericnamespace". Therefore you need to either

  1. select it by name using that namespace, or

  2. use a namespace-agnostic method to access it.

The fact that the element is in a different namespace from the "root" (element) is not directly relevant.

To do #1, you have to declare a prefix for the namespace in your XPath execution environment; e.g. in an XSLT stylesheet you could put xmnls:mysite="http://www.mysite.com/interface/genericnamespace". Then you would select the element using that prefix and the element name, e.g.


Of course you could use whatever prefix you like.

To do #2, there are several options. If the Call-Name element has no siblings, or comes in a stable order among its siblings, you could substitute * for its name. That way, the XPath will select any element child of PAYLOAD[1], regardless of its name or namespace:


Another option, if you're brave and confident about the structure of your input XML, is to use // to skip over that element:


If you still need to test by name, but not by namespace, you can use local-name() =:





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