
how can I cut a string that contain "map" in jquery/javascript

Does anyone know how can I cut a string that contain "map" in jquery/javascript

Example: If i have a string

var stringName = "abc mapTest bbc";

How Can I cut the string by result only mapTest?

NOTE: like assume the stringName is not the fixed value, it could change to "mapTest开发者_运维百科 asdasd asdd", "asdasd asfffd mapTest" and so on. and the "mapTest" will keep changing (e.g mapTest1, mapTest, mapTest5 and so on)

I don't know if you want to remove mapTest (or mapZZPQ or whatever), or return only mapTest when you find map. Here is code to do either:

var stringName = "123 abcmapdef 456";  // sample input

var hasMap = stringName.match(/\b\w*map\w*\b/);           // returns "abcmapdef"          
var hasNoMap = stringName.replace(/\b\w*map\w*\b/g, "");  // returns "123  456"

If you only want to match "map" at the beginning of word, remove the first \w* from the pattern, i.e. /\bmap\w*\b/.


var stringName = "abc mapTest bbc";
var m = stringName.match(/\bmap\w+\b/);

i.e. match a word boundary, "map" followed by one or more[*] alphanumerics, and another word boundary.

The result you want ("mapTest") will be in


When there's a match, String.match() returns an array, the first element of which is the matched value. If there's no match it'll return null instead.

[*] if "map" on its own should also match then change the + in the regexp to *.

You want something like this:

var result = stringName.split(" ");
var mapTest = result[1];

Hope that helps.

var stringName = "abc mapTest bbc"; 

var patt1=/mapTest/gi;

var result = stringName.match(patt1);




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