
Eclipse dont have java doc to show information about class and methods. how to attach those? +android

I'm working on android under eclipse holies environment. but my eclipse not helping me to find detail ab开发者_开发百科out class or method while writing code.

Ex: Toast android.widget.Toast.makeText(Context context, CharSequence text, int duration)

if i mouse hover on makeText() in above statement, getting following information

Note: This element has no attached source and the Javadoc could not be found in the attached Javadoc

where and what do i need to attach?

If you have installed the ADT plugin to Eclipse then you should make sure that you download the package called something along the lines of "Documentation for Android SDK 2.2, API 8, revision 1" or whatever. Have you gone through the entire installation guide for the Android SDK as posted on the official website? http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing.html this is the one I'm talking about. It's been discussed on SO before as well: JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project

If you have done all this, then http://www.vogella.de/articles/Eclipse/article.html#classpath_jarjavadoc does a good job of explaining how to add Sources & Javadocs to existing Libraries in case something went wrong.

For example, this is how my Libraries path looks:

Eclipse dont have java doc to show information about class and methods. how to attach those? +android

Go check and see how yours looks. Included is the location for the Javadocs normally (SDK Path/docs/reference/)

If you want to add the source code as well, see: http://android.opensourceror.org/2010/01/18/android-source/ & http://stuffthathappens.com/blog/2008/11/01/browsing-android-source-in-eclipse/





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