
Amazon S3 Multipart Upload with plupload and Rails 3

Amazon has multipart upload functionality where you can send a file in chunks and get it assembled on S3. This allows for some nice resume like functionality for uploading to S3. From another question i got this nice link: Rails 3 & Plupload

My question is does anyone have any examples where they used the plupload chunking feature with the Amazon multipart feature? Ideally with carrierwave & fog.

I can see it doing the following:

  • Generate Unique ID for the 开发者_如何学Goupload with plupload,

    can we do an event when the plupload starts?

  • Attaching an ajax request to the chunk completed with the ID
  • Having ajax controller method on the server which uploads to s3 using the ID
  • when all are complete fire a

    controller action to reassemble

There is supposedly some PHP code which does some combining, but not with S3 and i can't stand to read PHP.

this is very similar, you should find Interesting

enjoy & feel free to fork/pull request ... & so on

You can find simple core java code without AWS library, This will help u implement in any technology.. http://dextercoder.blogspot.in/2012/02/multipart-upload-to-amazon-s3-in-three.html





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