How do I create a path to create followers in rails 3?
I am using acts_as_followers and want to know have a path that I can pass to a link_to :remote => true link so that a User can follower various different entities.
Here is what I have in the routes (via rake routes)
/users/follow/:followed_type/:followed_id(.:format) {:controller=>"users", :action=>"follow_this"}
This is what is in routes.rb:
match 'users/follow/:followed_type/:followed_id' => 'users#follow_this', :as => "follow"
But I'm not clear how I pass the values into the URL string using the path helper? I need to pass in the type as a string (e.g. "Vendor"), and the :id...but how do I do that?
This was i can enable a user to press the link and it will call this action and create the following relationship.
46 def follo开发者_JAVA百科ws_this
48 followed_type = params[:followed_type]
49 followed_class = class_type.camelize.constantize
50 followed = followed_class.find(params[:followed_id])
51 current_user.follow(followed) #uses acts_as_follower plugin
53 end
put '/users/follow/:followed_type/:followed_id' => 'users#follow_this', :as => "follow"
<%= link_to "Follow White Rabbit", follow_path(:followed_type => "some type", :followed_id => "some_id"), :method => :put %>
means you can call ANY of requests: GET, POST, PUT or DELETE. So it better to specify wich one you want to use. As far as you updating some data - use PUT
, if you are creating some data - POST
, if you are deleting - DELETE
and if you just fetch - GET