
Remove commas from the string using JavaScript

I want to r开发者_高级运维emove commas from the string and calculate those amount using JavaScript.

For example, I have those two values:

  • 100,000.00
  • 500,000.00

Now I want to remove commas from those string and want the total of those amount.

To remove the commas, you'll need to use replace on the string. To convert to a float so you can do the maths, you'll need parseFloat:

var total = parseFloat('100,000.00'.replace(/,/g, '')) +
            parseFloat('500,000.00'.replace(/,/g, ''));

Related answer, but if you want to run clean up a user inputting values into a form, here's what you can do:

const numFormatter = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
  style: "decimal",
  maximumFractionDigits: 2

// Good Inputs
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('1234').replace(/,/g,"")) // 1234
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('123').replace(/,/g,"")) // 123

// 3rd decimal place rounds to nearest
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('1234.233').replace(/,/g,"")); // 1234.23
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('1234.239').replace(/,/g,"")); // 1234.24

// Bad Inputs
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('1234.233a').replace(/,/g,"")); // NaN
parseFloat(numFormatter.format('$1234.23').replace(/,/g,"")); // NaN

// Edge Cases
parseFloat(numFormatter.format(true).replace(/,/g,"")) // 1
parseFloat(numFormatter.format(false).replace(/,/g,"")) // 0
parseFloat(numFormatter.format(NaN).replace(/,/g,"")) // NaN

Use the international date local via format. This cleans up any bad inputs, if there is one it returns a string of NaN you can check for. There's no way currently of removing commas as part of the locale (as of 10/12/19), so you can use a regex command to remove commas using replace.

ParseFloat converts the this type definition from string to number

If you use React, this is what your calculate function could look like:

updateCalculationInput = (e) => {
    let value;
    value = numFormatter.format(e.target.value); // 123,456.78 - 3rd decimal rounds to nearest number as expected
    if(value === 'NaN') return; // locale returns string of NaN if fail
    value = value.replace(/,/g, ""); // remove commas
    value = parseFloat(value); // now parse to float should always be clean input

    // Do the actual math and setState calls here

To remove commas, you will need to use string replace method.

var numberArray = ["1000,00", "23", "11"];

//If String
var arrayValue = parseFloat(numberArray.toString().replace(/,/g, ""));

console.log(arrayValue, "Array into toString")

// If Array

var number = "23,949,333";
var stringValue = parseFloat(number.replace(/,/g, ""));

console.log(stringValue, "using String");





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