Where can I Find XFS api [duplicate]
I want to develop a sample XFS Application which could handle a pin pad keyboard(EPP). So i found XFS API refrence form Here but still don't know where can i find these API. I'll appreciate who can help me.
I just started the process of writing a wrapper for XFS in C# for a Wincor Nixdorf Cineo T2000 self-service terminal that will handle the functions for Card Reader, PinPad and Integrated Printer.
Currently, I am working for the bank that just bought the terminal, so I have access to the API, the physical device and the documentation (which is the same you are pointing out). Sadly, the XFS Standard is not a public standard as it is exclusive for the use of financial institutions, thus, you can't just, let’s say, "download" the API or the DLLs. It comes with the terminal and it is installed via its installation CDs. Even if you had the installers, based on what our provider said, you can’t install the API in a common PC because it would try to communicate with the hardware during installation and fail if it doesn’t found it. Check out this link, maybe in the near future this company would be providing an XFS simulator (have to buy it though):
You asked this question several months ago, so I hope this information is useful in anyway. Cheers.