Escape apostrophe in my jsp
Hello i have this code in my jsp
<a href="#"onclick="supprimerProduit('<bean:write name="gererProduitsForm" property="type_produit.nomProduit"/>','supprimerProduit','',<bean:write name="gererProduitsForm" property="type_produit.idProduit"/>)"></a>
So i have an javascript error when i have for example
in my var
<bean:write name="gererProduitsForm" property="type_produit.nomProduit"/>
How can i do for escape the apostrophe..? Thx
@brandizzi: This subject is different from the other one you linked to. Escaping an apostrophe on a db insert/update, or stripping an apostrophe on db select is a horse of a different color. Escaping an apostrophe in a url string, like the example in the original post here is a whole different kettle of wax.
To Mercer, this is my recommendation for escaping the apostrophe in a url string: Replace ' with %27
The javascript way to do it is like this:
my_title = "Who's to say we aren't all a dream?";
my_title = my_title.replace("'", "%27");
The PHP way to do it is:
$my_title = "Who's to say we aren't all a dream?";
$my_title = str_replace("'","%27",my_title);