
Is it possible to stream webcam live?

The plugin at http://ww开发者_如何学Gow.xarg.org/project/jquery-webcam-plugin/ makes use of images from my webcam.

I would like to send these images to a streaming server instead.

Is this possible?

http://www.scriptcam.com can do exactly what you're looking for.

I know that VLC will function as a streaming media server. I have never used it to stream from a webcam but it does list that capability in its feature list.

Most people only know VLC as a media player and not as a server of media. There are other servers out there. It really depends on what your platform is, whether you want something open source or commercial, etc, etc.

The Jquery plugin you linked is flash-based and works with still images. You can post still images with AJAX to your server and send to the partner.

If you are looking for a video ( >= 10 fps) chat, then currently flas is the only browser-based solution of encoding and transmitting multimedia in (near) realtime. Check out Red5, there are even sample applications for video chat.

If you want to broadcast a live stream (to many users) please clarify your question.

Check out this page: http://www.jqueryrain.com/2013/10/best-jquery-webcam-plugin-example/

There are some jquery plugins shown for capturing image and streaming of images. Among of them, I really liked scriptcam(http://www.scriptcam.com/index.cfm) API. It has many functionality.





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