jquery - pattern matching
I开发者_运维问答've been trying to use the jquery match() function, but I'm not able to get anything I try to work...
Basically, I'm trying to match any string between parentheses:
(sample) (pokemon) (su54gar99)
... etc.
Tried this (the latest attempt... not sure how many I've gone through at this point...)
$('.acf').each(function() {
var ac = $(this);
ac.data('changed', false);
ac.data('alias', 'ac-real-');
ac.data('rx', /\s*\(\s+\)\s*/i);
ac.data('name', ac.attr('name'));
ac.data('id', ac.attr('id'));
ac.data('value', ac.val());
Why are you using \s
? It matches any whitespace character
Use a regular expression like below:
I suggest your fault is, that "\s" only stands for whitespace characters, but not for normal characters ;).
Second, for finding EACH and not stopping after 1 result, add the "g" (for global) modifier.
Try something like this:
var text = "(sample) (pokemon) (su54gar99)";
var found = text.match(/\s*\(([a-z,0-9]*)\)/ig);
$.each(found, function(i, v) {
alert(i+" = "+v);
Works with at least the given example ;).
TIP: Visit: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp Best side for learning RegEx, in my opinion :P.