Any limitations or risks to use Three20 for commercial application development? [closed]
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开发者_运维百科Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this questionIn iOS open source community, Three20 is so so so awesome one.
It provides a lot powerful extensions from UI to network ...
My question is any limitations or risks to use it for commercial apps dev ?
Thanks for share any experience or considerations for using three20
Are you asking about licensing? As far as that goes, Three20 is licensed under the Apache license.
Apache license:
Three20 license:
Or are you more interested in whether bugs get fixed timely, community support, etc? If so, I've generally found it to be pretty well-supported, although the documentation isn't great. Installing it/the size of the dependency used to be an issue, but this has been addressed by breaking the libraries up into chunks and also scripting adding Three20 as a depdendency. The code is certainly solid as is evidenced by the fact that Facebook's iOS app is written on top of it.
Hope that helps