AS3 laser weapon
I am pretty new to action script 3 (I did a little bit in as2) and i am trying to create a laser gun that rotates towards the mouse and shoots when the mouse is fired.
kind of like this but in开发者_JAVA技巧 as3
Thanks, Thor
You can start to play with something like this:
//adding listener to run all the time
m.addEventListener("enterFrame", runGame);
//listener for mouse is down
stage.addEventListener("mouseDown", md);
//listener for mouse is up
stage.addEventListener("mouseUp", mu);
//to know if mouse is down
var _fire:Boolean = false;
//function for all the time
function runGame(evt:*):void
//to know the angle where the mouse is from the "canon" in radians
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(stage.mouseY - m.y, stage.mouseX - m.x);
//set the canon's rotation
m.rotation = 180 * angle / Math.PI;
//if mouse us down -> fire
//create a point far away, so it will always work if the screen is normal
var point:Point = Point.polar(10000, angle);
//shoot the laser
graphics.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
//when mouse is down
function md(evt:*):void
//prepare graphics
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000);
graphics.moveTo(m.x, m.y);
//set fire to true
_fire = true;
//when mouse is up
function mu(evt:*):void
//set fire to false
_fire = false;
//clear the laser
Create a new project, place a movieclip on the stage, name it "m" (without the quotes ;)). Paste the script where the actionscript goes on frame 1.
If you want the laser to follow the mouse when it's down, change
runGame function to this:
function runGame(evt:*):void
//to know the angle where the mouse is from the "canon" in radians
var angle:Number = Math.atan2(stage.mouseY - m.y, stage.mouseX - m.x);
//set the canon's rotation
m.rotation = 180 * angle / Math.PI;
//if mouse us down -> fire
//create a point far away, so it will always work if the screen is normal
var point:Point = Point.polar(10000, angle);
//shoot the laser
graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xff0000);
graphics.moveTo(m.x, m.y);
graphics.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
and md function to this:
//when mouse is down
function md(evt:*):void
//set fire to true
_fire = true;
"Epic" laser, with source. Also great site btw.
Probably best to learn the basic concepts of programming before trying to tackle things like this. Cutting/Pasting code is not programming, and can have frankenstein-ish results.
There is no magical shortcut to programming, you need to learn the basic concepts and build on them. is a cool place to check out, but I'd suggest starting out far more basic concepts to start. Until you do that, it's all going to appear as voodoo to you.