explain the stages of this script
Can anyone please explain this shel开发者_StackOverflow社区l script?
#!/bin/bash read a STR=" $a " ARR=($STR) LEN=${#ARR[*]} LAST=$(($LEN-1)) ARR2=() I=$LAST while [[ $I -ge 0 ]]; do ARR2[ ${#ARR2[*]} ]=${ARR[$I]} I=$(($I-1)) done echo ${ARR2[*]}
Thank you.
Commented to exaplain every line.
read a # Reads from stdin
STR=" $a " # concat the input with 1 space after and three before
ARR=($STR) # convert to array?
LEN=${#ARR[*]} # get the length of the array
LAST=$(($LEN-1)) # get the index of the last element of the array
ARR2=() # new array
I=$LAST # set var to make the first, the last
while [[ $I -ge 0 ]]; do # reverse iteration
ARR2[ ${#ARR2[*]} ]=${ARR[$I]} #add the array item into new array
I=$(($I-1)) # decrement variable
echo ${ARR2[*]} # echo the new array (reverse of the first)
The formatting has got really messed up in your post. Here's the re-formatted script:
read a
STR=" $a "
while [[ $I -ge 0 ]];
do ARR2[ ${#ARR2[*]} ]=${ARR[$I]}
echo ${ARR2[*]}
What it does it to turn around a list of words.
$ echo "a b c d e f" | ./foo.sh
f e d c b a
$ echo "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" | ./foo.sh
dog lazy the over jumps fox brown quick The
and to describe how it works it first finds casts the string to an array, then it works out the number of items in the array, iterates through the array backwards by decrementing I
and then echos out the resultant array