Regex and ignore whitespace
I have the following regex that I am using to match on various credit card numbers within a string search of files. However, if there is a space before or after the pattern to match, then the match will fail.
$CC_Regex = "^(\d{4}-){3}\d{4}$|^(\d{4} ){3}\d{4}$|^\d{16}$"
For example, it will match the top three, but will not match the bottom three.
1111 2323 2312 3434
1111 2323 2312 3434
Out of the bottom three, the first one has a space at the end of it, the second one has a space before it, and the third one has a space before and a开发者_开发知识库fter it.
Thanks in advance for your help.
It would be easy enough to augment the regex to handle whitespace at the front and end:
^\s*(?:(\d{4}-){3}\d{4}|(\d{4} ){3}\d{4}|\d{16})\s*$
but it seems more prudent to take the string, remove everything except digits, and then check if it's a 16-digit number:
$result = $subject -creplace '[^0-9]+', ''
$found = $result -cmatch '^[0-9]{16}$'
After all, who knows what ideas people might have for formatting - several spaces between groups, mixes of spaces and dashes etc...
I don't know how specifically to do this in PowerShell, but it'd be a lot easier to use some sort of replace() function to get rid of the spaces (or the equivalent in PowerShell).
replace(' ', '');
EDIT: Actually, it'd make more sense to remove everything that's not a digit first. You could do that with RegEx easily:
$CC_Regex = "^\s*(\d{4}-){3}\d{4}\s*$|^\s*(\d{4} ){3}\d{4}\s*$|^\s*\d{16}\s*$"
will make it match even if leading or trailing whitepsace is present (\s
means any whitespace character).
$CC_Regex = "(?:\d{4}[- ]?){3}\d{4}"
How about this ^(?<myregex>\s{0,}\d{4}-{0,}\s{0,}\d{4}-{0,}\s{0,}\d{4}-{0,}\s{0,}\d{4}).*?