
Using svn through ssh connection on mac

I have a project that I could sync with the svn server only at the company I work for.

now I work remotly on the project from a different country and so I can't go to开发者_C百科 the company to commit the project.

Therefore we set up a ssh account to be able to commit with the server of the company.

the problem is I have no idea how to use the ssh connection to sync with the serveur.

here is what I got

1) I have an existing project with all my modifications and setup up to commit the project locally.

2) I have a working ssh connection to the server

what command do I need to type to commit my changes ?

(I use a mac and the terminal to commit/update)

It's very easy: you can use "svn+ssh" urls. For example, to check out the project

svn co svn+ssh://servername.company.com/path/to/repository localname

Then copy your changes into the checked-out copy, and commit normally

svn commit -m "Log msg"

Since you have an existing checkout of the repository with changes you want to commit, the easiest thing to do is use svn switch to change the URL that the checkout uses for the repository:

svn switch --relocate http://repository.url/path svn+ssh://repository.url/path

For details, see the SVN Book.





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