
Is there any benefit to buy a Mac over Windows PC just to make and test HTML5 web apps and sites for iphone even if I'm already having iPhone?

I know native app development for iOS is not possible on windows but for Web Apps Development it's possible on all OS.

Is there any benefit buy a iMac or Macbook over Windows PC just to make and test HTML5 + CSS3 Web apps and sites for iphone? If I'm already having iPhone.

As I already have iphone and ipad so i thi开发者_Python百科nk I don't need Emulators of iOS SDK.

1) Can having Mac improve productivity in making Web Apps not Native apps?

2) Are there any better Web Development tools available on MAC to make Mobile Websites and Web Apps for iPhone compare to windows?

3) Currently whenever I want to test something on iphone safari I upload first all files into my ftp (online) then i open the url from iphone safari. But If I buy mac and install Apple SDK, can I run local html files directly on iPhone emulator.

Note: My question is not related to making iOS native applications.

If there are any better tools, it's not worth the cost of a Mac. You're best sticking with your PC, especially if you've never used a Mac before (or if you've not used one often),
Simple things like the window controls being on the "wrong" side of the window and not doing the same thing as their window counterparts ("maximise" is not the same on Mac) can cause annoyance and cost time.

Testing files locally isn't exactly the same as remotely, and the emulator will not match the iphone, as the user agent strings are different. Also the simulator is designed for native apps primarily so I'm betting the Safari on it is not exactly the same as on a device. Basically you can't beat the device.

To be honest (I am a mac fan and always have been) if you are switching to mac for just for testing purposes it really wouldn't be worth it. You said in your question that you have a an iPhone and iPad both of those can connect to a local network and you can preview on them. Testing iPhone and iPad event on the iOS emulator really... sucks. You dont get any of the touch events or the slides so you really do need the real thing. I just finished developing a full HTML5 webapp for the iPad/phone and I had to go out and buy an iPad for testing; the simulator would not cut it at all.

Now on the other hand if you want to switch for a development environment I have always been a fan of OSX. For two main reasons

  1. The fact that the development tools for mac are amazing, Coda, TextMate, Sequel Pro, and CSS Editor alone make my computer worth it.
  2. It's UNIX, if you are a web designer or developer who does not dabble in unix then this does not matter but I manage servers all over the world for about 30 different clients and the fact that OSX is UNIX underneath makes getting in and out, scripting, and moving files sooo easy. Try scp with putty... it's no fun.

I hope this helps,

TL;DR version: For testing don't buy one it's not worth it. For the full package do it.

No. if you are already comfortable using a PC then stick with it. There aren't any better web development tools on the mac then the pc (personal tastes aside).





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