how do I use jquery to clear the input in a form?
Here is the haml fo开发者_开发技巧r my form:
34 #new_comment
35 %strong Add Comment:
36 - semantic_form_for 'comment', :url => add_comment_url(@review), :remote => true do |f|
38 = f.text_area :comment, :label => :comment, :cols => 60,:rows => 5, :input_html => {:rows => 5, :cols => 30}
39 = f.submit
After I submit, I have jquery javascript in a .js.erb file, but I can't get it to clear. this is what I have:
7 /* Reset the comment form */
8 $("#comment_comment").reset();
It isn't doing anthing?
To reset that one text area: