Javascript to highlight current nav and sub directories
I am using this script to highlight the current navigation link :
function extractPageName(hrefString)
var arr = hrefString.split('/');
return (arr.length < 2) ? hrefString : arr[arr.length-2].toLowerCase() + arr[arr.length-1].toLowerCase();
function setActiveMenu(arr, crtPage)
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
if(extractPageName(arr[i].href) == crtPage)
if (arr[i].parentNode.tagName != "DIV")
arr[i].className = "active";
arr[i].parentNode.className = "active";
function setPage()
hrefString = document.location.href ? document.location.href : document.location;
if (document.getElementById("topNav") !=null )
setActiveMenu(document.getElementById("topNav").getElementsByTagName("a"), extractPageName(hrefString));
This works fine if I am at the contact link will have the active class. My question is how could I modify this so that also if I am in a subdirectory it continues to highlight that link? So if I am in contact/stuff/index.html then it would still have the active class on contact.
One thing you could do is add rel="pagname" to the anchor tags then have your extractPageName
function actually extract the page name. As it is now it looks like extractPageName
is supposed to return a value that matches with the anchor tag's href
Untested, but something to this effect...
function extractFirstDir(hrefString)
return hrefString.replace('://', '').split('/')[1];
function setActiveMenu(arr, crtPage)
for (var i=0; i < arr.length; i++)
if(arr[i].rel == crtPage)
if (arr[i].parentNode.tagName != "DIV")
arr[i].className = "active";
arr[i].parentNode.className = "active";
function setPage()
var hrefString = document.location.href || document.location;
if (document.getElementById("topNav") != null ) {
setActiveMenu(document.getElementById("topNav").getElementsByTagName("a"), extractFirstDir(hrefString));
Your top menu would then look like this (note the extra rel
<div id="topMenu">
<a href="/contact" rel="contact">Contact</a>
I have a strong feeling it has something to do with your return statement in extractPageName(hrefString). The URL is getting passed and converted into an array with x amount of elements, if the size is less than 2 you obviously just return the string passed, else you return the last two components of the URL. Thus when you try "contact/stuff/index.html" the array contains four elements and is only returning arr[n-2] + arr[n-1] which is "stuff" + "index.html" (and the contact part is lost). I'd suggest making a for loop that adds the to the array instead of restricting it to just the last two elements.