Drawing a chart with owc chartspace in userform vba excel
I have a little problem with my owc chartspace, I would like to draw a chart like in the picture but my problem is that it draws only for one series I would like to draw it for the 1 the 2 and the 3 I don't know how to do this.
I have a listbox and a combobox, I select from the list box the 1,2,3 and I select from the combobx y or z such that x is fixed.
Then I put the data in plage(1) for x and plage(2) for y but the problem is that it works only for the first item I select from the listbox ( in this picture the "1" )
Could you tell what is wrong in my code?
the vba code for drawing the chart into the userform is:
Private Sub drow()
Dim i, k As Integer, x As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim Table(), Plage(2)
Dim id As Integer
id = 1
Do While ComboBox.Value <> idi(id, 1)
id = id + 1
For i = Cht.SeriesCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
Cht.SeriesCollection.Delete i - 1
Next i
k = 1
ReDim Table(ListBox.ListCount)
For i = 0 To ListBox.ListCount - 1
If ListBox.Selected(i) = True Then
Table(k) = ListBox.List(i)
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
With Cht
.HasLegend = True
.Legend.Position = chLegendPositionBottom
.HasTitle = True
.Title.Caption = ComboBox.Text
End With
Cht.Type = C.chChartTypeColumnClustered3D
With Cht
'first serie
.SeriesCollection(0).Caption = sheet.Cells(2, 15 + id)
.SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection(0).Position = chLabelPositionCenter
.SeriesCollection(0).DataLabelsCollection(0).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.SeriesCollection(1).Caption = sheet.Cells(2, 20) .SeriesCollection(1).DataLabelsCollection.Add
.SeriesCollection(1).DataLabelsCollection(0).Position = chLabelPositionCenter
.SeriesCollection(1).DataLabelsCollection(0).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
.SetData C1.chDimCategories, C1.chDataLiteral, Table
End With
For j = 0 To ListBox.ListCount - 1
If ListBox.Selected(j) = True Then
Plage(1) = sheet.Cells(j + 3, 15 + id) 'the Xs
Plage(2) = sheet.Cells(j + 3, 20) 'Les 'the Ys
With Cht
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData C1.chDimValues, C1.chDataLiteral, Plage(1)
.SeriesCollection(1).SetData C1.chDimValues, C1.chDataLiteral, Plage(2)
End With
Erase Plage
End If
Next j
End Sub
I am very new to the whole owc and VB thing and I am having some troubles myself, but have you tried using C1.chDimXValues and C1.chDimYValues instead of the chDimValues in the below statement:
.SeriesCollection(0).SetData C1.chDimValues, C1.chDataLiteral, Plage(1) .SeriesCollection(1).SetData C1.chDimValues, C1.chDataLiteral, Plage(2)
Sorry if this might sound trivial, I can see your coding skills are much more advanced than mine. Good luck!