SQL - Find complete word in text
I have a text column in one of my tables in a MySql DB. i want to get all the records that have a specific word in the text column. for example:
1, "i am a cto"
2,开发者_StackOverflow社区 "i am a cto/developer"
3, "cto"
4, "i am a cto_developer"
5, "ctools"
In this case, when searching for "cto" I want the query to return records 1,2,3,4 but not 5.
Any Ideas?
p.s. I want it to be case insensitive
You may want to look into using full text indexing depending on the amount of data you are using. Otherwise, you can use REGEXP to specific a regular expression to search for the word. You should see this question (and answer) for a way of using REGEXP to find words.
use LIKE operator. like so:
select * from table1 where BIO LIKE '%cto%'
the '%' indicates a wildcard (meaning- any set of chars).
if you want to find only records that begin with 'cto', use: 'cto%'.
if you want only records that contain cto as a full word (i.e with spaces around it), use:
BIO LIKE '% cto %' or BIO LIKE 'cto %' or BIO LIKE 'cto %'
(the two Or's i've added are for cases when 'cto' appears at the beginning / end of the string)