
Exposing HasMany and ManyToMany relationships as IEnumerable

Currently in my entities I'm exposing my collections as an IList but I've been thinking about exposing them as a IEnumerable to prevent users from manually adding to the collections. I have specific adds for these operations so that I can make sure my bi-directional relationships stay intact. A couple questions come to mind in this scenario.

  1. If I expose them as IEnumberable does this mean I'll need an Add and开发者_开发知识库 Remove method for every collection that represents a relationship in my entities?
  2. Is there an easier way to do this? I'm not against doing it this way just wondering.
  3. Are you doing it this way?


public class OrderHeader
    public virtual Guid OrderId { get; private set; }

    public virtual IList<OrderLine> OrderLines { get; set; }

    public virtual void AddLine(OrderLine orderLine)
        orderLine.Order = this;

    //No need for a remove method since we expose collection as IList

Converting the class above so that we only expose IEnumerable would result in:

public class OrderHeader
    public virtual Guid OrderId { get; private set; }

    private IList<OrderLine> orderLines { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<OrderLine> OrderLines { get { return orderLines; } }

    public virtual void AddLine(OrderLine orderLine)
        orderLine.Order = this;

    public virtual void RemoveLine(OrderLine orderLine)

  1. Yes, if you expose an IEnumerable it is best to add methods on the class to handle Add/Remove
  2. A private backing field is a pretty good solution.
  3. Yes, but keep in mind if you want truly read only access to the exposed collection use ReadOnlyCollection - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms132474.aspx

Agreed with Dan's answer, with a minor change:

public IEnumerable<OrderLine> OrderLines
{ get { return orderLines.Select(x => x; } }




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