
Change Telerik grid columns based on Appsetting

I have a Html.Telerik().Grid() that is bound to a model in my MVC view. I want it to return a link based on a value in the appsettings in the web.c开发者_Go百科onfig. Basically, if this is the dev server then show the links but not on the production server, is that possible? I use Ajax binding and my bound column looks as follows:

columns.Bound(f => f.TechnicalKey)
       .ClientTemplate("<# if (FileName != 'status.txt' && StatusText=='PROCESSED') { #><a href='/AType/DownloadAFile/<#= TechnicalKey #>'>Download</a> <# } else { #>Not available<# } #>")

I want the status.txt to be a link on development but not on production (this is how it is now)

Thank you. Jack

You need to set the client template in a different way depending on the fact your application is deployed or not:

if (/* some check to see if on production which is specific to your implementation */) {
columns.Bound(f => f.TechnicalKey)
       .ClientTemplate("<# if (FileName != 'status.txt' && StatusText=='PROCESSED') { #>Download <# } else { #>Not available<# } #>")

} else {
columns.Bound(f => f.TechnicalKey)
       .ClientTemplate("<# if (FileName != 'status.txt' && StatusText=='PROCESSED') { #><a href='/AType/DownloadAFile/<#= TechnicalKey #>'>Download</a> <# } else { #>Not available<# } #>")

I actually achieved this by adding a property in the domain object as follows:

    public bool isProduction
        return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ActivationURL"].Contains("production");

and then in the view I had:

    .Columns(columns =>
                    columns.Bound(f => f.TechnicalKey)
                      .Template(f => { %>
                                          <% if (f.StatusText == "PROCESSED")
                                                if (!f.isProduction || f.FileName != "status.txt")
                                                  %><a href="/AType/DownloadAFile/<%= f.TechnicalKey %>">Download</a><%
                                                  %>Not available<%
                                                %>Not available<%
                                    <% })
                      .ClientTemplate("<# if (StatusText=='PROCESSED') { if(!isProduction || FileName!='status.txt') { #><a href='/AType/DownloadAFile/<#= TechnicalKey #>'>Download</a> <# } else { #>Not available<# }} else { #>Not available<# } #>").Encoded(false).Title("").Filterable(false);

This way I cater for the initial server bound data and the later Ajax bound data.





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