Silverlight 4 dynamically downloaded satellite assembly problem
I am dynamically downloading a XAP file that has an embedded resource assembly, with a single resource file ( I am using WebClient to pull down the XAP file and using the following code to load the assembly, based on work done by Jeff Prosise in this post:
Note that I also manually create the XAP file from the fr-CA folder with assembly and the ApplicationManifest.xaml, as described by Guy Smith-Ferrier's steps listed in his presentation here
// Get the application manifest from the downloaded XAP
StreamResourceInfo sri = new StreamResourceInfo(e.Result, null);
XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(Application.GetResourceStream(sri, new Uri("AppManifest.xaml", UriKind.Relative)).Stream);
AssemblyPartCollection parts = new AssemblyPartCollection();
// Enumerate the assemblies in the downloaded XAP
if (reader.Read())
if (reader.ReadToNextSibling("Deployment.Parts"))
while (reader.ReadToFollowing("AssemblyPart"))
parts.Add(new AssemblyPart() { Source = reader.GetAttribute("Source") });
// Load the satellite assemblies
foreach (AssemblyPart part in parts)
if (part.Source.ToLower().Contains("resources"))
Stream assembly = Application.GetResourceStream(sri, new Uri(part.Source, UriKind.Relative)).Stream;
// Change the culture
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = culture;
The assembly seems to load ok, and I have matched up namespaces with the default resource file (ApplicationStrings.resx) with the downloaded resource file ( As seen the code, the culture is set for the current thread.
However, calls to ApplicationStrings.ResourceManager.GetString(...) do not return the resources for the set culture. For example, the following should return a string for the new culture (fr-CA), but always returns the default culture (en-US).
/// <summary>
/// Looks up a localized string similar to User Name:.
/// </summary>
public static string Label_UserName {
get {
return ResourceManager.GetString("Label_UserName", resourceCulture);
Any suggestions? Thanks.
I figured it out...I had forgotten to reset my supported locals in my satellite assembly project file:
I also made my folder structure exactly as it is for the default resources in m开发者_开发知识库y main Silverlight application.