Compile files with certain pattern names in ANT
I need to compile a set of files say they have a pattern "*_modules.F" (fortran files). Using ant, I have a PCC compiler set up on the machine to compile such files. How would I be able to do it via ant script开发者_Go百科s, So far I have
<exec dir="ModuleDir" executable="PCC">
<arg line="1_module.F"/>
The above would work for a single module, how can get it to work for all the module with the pattern "*_modules.F"? Any ideas?
This can be done using the apply ant task which takes a fileset as a parameter. Without the "parallel" attribute the executable would be invoked separately for each input file.
<apply executable="PCC" parallel="true">
<fileset dir="." includes="*_modules.F"/>