
parse through JSON Jquery

Test.Customers = [{

I have this json stored in my DOM. Sometimes there will be 0 items and sometimes multiple items in CustomerPortals array. But I want to parse through them and show the filename. Does jquery make it any simpler to do that?



var Test = {};

Test.Customers = [{"CustomerItems":

I want to get the portalname for all the customers. the above was not showing sub arrays thanks

The only thing I can think of that jquery can help you with is the .each() function. Here is an example where I go through each filename in each customer.

Updated code to include Portals which holds the CustomerPortals. Let me know if I interpreted your comment incorrectly.

Updated code again to use the new example code. The example code was causing errors so I added { } around "Portals" and its value. If that wasn't the intended format for the code let me know.

var Test = {};

Test.Customers = [{"CustomerItems":

$(document).ready(function() {

    //Go through each customer
    $.each(Test.Customers, function(customerIndex, customerValue) {

        //Go through each CustomerPortal and display filename
        $.each(customerValue.CustomerItems.Portals.CustomPortals, function(custPortIndex, custPortValue) {

            alert('File ' + custPortValue.portalname + ' in customer ' + customerIndex);





var Test = {};

Test.Customers = [{"CustomerItems":

I want to get the portalname for all the customers. the above was not showing sub arrays thanks

I doubt it. JSON object hierarchies aren't visible as DOM nodes.

You could use a map function, which is very easy to write, and readily available in libraries like Functional JavaScript. Using it is simple:

filenames = Test.Customers[0].CustomerPortals.map(function(cp) { return cp.filename });

Then do whatever you want with the array of filenames.

EDIT: To confirm this, I ran the following code in a JavaScript test bench.

Test = {};

Test.Customers = [{

Array.prototype.map = function(fn) {
              var r = [];
              var l = this.length;
              return r; 

alert(Test.Customers[0].CustomerPortals.map(function(cp) { return cp.filename }));

It displayed an alert with the following message:






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