How can I automate a test that sends multiple mock intents to an Android activity?
I am trying to send mock intents to an Android activity via the Android instrumentation tools and Android JUnit in Eclip开发者_开发技巧se.
I am able to successfully create a test that sends one Intent
to an Activity
, but I want to automate this and send several consecutive Intents
so I can test the Activity
with many pieces of data put in as an "extra" in the Intent
My code (which works for a single Intent) is as follows:
public class SearchTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<SearchResults> {
private ListActivity mActivity;
private ArrayList<String> testManifest = new ArrayList<String>();
TextView tv;
public SearchTest() {
super("org.fdroid.fdroid", SearchResults.class);
protected void setUp() throws Exception{
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEARCH);
i.setClassName("org.fdroid.fdroid", "org.fdroid.fdroid.SearchResults");
i.putExtra(SearchManager.QUERY, testManifest.get(0));
mActivity = getActivity();
tv = (TextView) mActivity.findViewById(;
public void testSearchResult(){
assertTrue(mActivity.getListView().getCount() > 0);
public void setUpTestManifest(){
//populate the test manifest
testManifest.add("Sample Key Word 1");
testManifest.add("Sample Key Word 2");
testManifest.add("Sample Key Word 3");
How can I make this work where I can have hundreds of items in the testManifest
and create an Intent and test for each of those items?
Have you tried pulling out the launching of the activity out of the setUp code and into a loop within your test method? Example,
protected void setUp() {
public void testSearchResult(){
for (String query : testManifest) {
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEARCH);
i.setClassName("org.fdroid.fdroid", "org.fdroid.fdroid.SearchResults");
i.putExtra(SearchManager.QUERY, query);
mActivity = getActivity();
tv = (TextView) mActivity.findViewById(;
assertTrue(mActivity.getListView().getCount() > 0);
mActivity.finish(); // close the activity
setActivity(null); // forces next call of getActivity to re-open the activity