
Matlab R2010b setting up MySql

I'm trying to setting up a mySql connection using Matlab, I have read I few tutorial but unfortunately I can't get work of them. I had tried to compile the source(.cpp) but I got the following error:

Error: Could not detect a compiler on local system 
which can compile the specified input file(s) 

  C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2010B\BIN\MEX.PL: Error: No compiler options file could be found to compile source code. Please run "mex -setup" to rectify. 

So I I typed "mex -setup"

Please choose your compiler for building external interface (MEX)开发者_如何学编程 files: 

Would you like mex to locate installed compilers [y]/n? y

Select a compiler: 

[0] None 


but there is no compiler.

Anybody can help me, how can I make a connection between matlab and mysql, I'm using windows 7 64 bit and Matlab 2010b.

I already installed wampserver.

Have you tried to establish MySQL connection from MATLAB using JBCC connector?

I did it successfully and put the complete workflow with the code example (requires Database Toolbox) in this question:

connection of MATLAB 7.0 and MYSQL

Haven't try on 64-bit though. Please let me know if it will fail.


You can also try the following submissions to File Exchange that do not require the Database toolbox:

  • queryMySQL
  • Access a MySQL database

I'm guessing you installed Matlab 64-bit as well, which does NOT come with a built-in MEX compiler (32-bit version uses lcc). You have a few options, but the easiest is to install Visual C++ Express (it's free! http://www.microsoft.com/express/Windows/) which will give you a 64-bit compatible compiler in the mex -setup listing. You'll have to double check which versions of the compiler 2010b is compatible with though.

Caveat: I tried this once and couldn't get it to work, but it was with like 2007b or something, and I didn't try that hard, I just installed 32-bit Matlab.





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