
how to get html content from XML using SAX parser in android

i tried using CDATA in the xml i worked on most of the answers given in stackoverflow but i could not find the answer.

When CDATA is included, parser is not at all recognizin开发者_如何转开发g the data.

Is this any problem with android or are there any other parsers to parse? I tried using DOM, but since my xml file is too large DOM is unable to handle it. Please suggest me any working parser or a way to parse the html content.. Thank you..

I have had problems with CDATA in the xml, it happens for Android < 2.2 because it uses an ancient and buggy version of Xerces (I think it was Xerces that Android is using). Try to build your project for 2.2 and give it a try.

If you can't use 2.2 - there is a manual workaround that I was able to pull off. Unfortunately, I don't have the code for it in handy at the moment, sorry about that :(





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