
set absolute path in ant build.xml

I'm working with the html5boilerplate build script and ideally I'd like to have the build process deploy files outside of the project directory.

What I want to do on build is deploy my project as a Wordpress theme in my local environment. So I want my theme to build to absolute/path/to/wp/wp-config/themes/MY-THEME/

I tried editing the buildinfo.properties file to change the publish path to ${HOME} but all that did was create a literal '${HOME}' folder in my project directory.

Any ideas on how to define an absolute pa开发者_如何学Goth for ant?

It looks like you're trying to use the directory specified in your environment variable ${HOME}. Ant doesn't directly mirror this in its properties. You might access it in two ways. First, the directory should be available in the system property user.home. For example:

<echo message="${user.home}" />

Alternatively, you can read from the environment using a property task to set a prefix for access. Example use:

<property environment="env" />
<echo message="${env.HOME}" />




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