JUnit examples to teach [closed]
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开发者_JS百科Closed 6 years ago.
Improve this questionI need good examples of Junit tests for Java classes, to spend in training, anyone have suggestions of good examples?
Here is a good one which shows you step by step what you have to do, including screenshots with Eclipse also.
From memory, I think Kent Beck's Test Driven Development walks through some good examples. Probably a good book to refer to in testing training courses. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Test-Driven-Development-Addison-Wesley-Signature/dp/0321146530
You can have a look at open source software - maybe a library which you use for yourself. They often contain unit tests, e.g.:
- Apache Commons lang test code
- Google guava libraries test code
- and for sure a lot more....
I do not know what you mean with 'to spend in training' but if you will use it for other purpose than to train yourself check the license first.
JUnit tests are somehow based on your procedures. It depends what do you want to test. For example, if you want to test if for specific input, you receive specific output, you can use assertEquals. For writing a simple step by step JUnit test in Java in Eclipse, look at "Write Simple JUnit Test".
For thorough information, look at "Unit Test Tutorials".