How to compare values in JavaScript for minimum order quantity
Ok, basically I have been given the task of producing a payment page for us. I'm having a little problem. My boss wants me to integrate google checkout, and I have that working fine. He also wants me to define an order minimum.
For example: we sell labels at "£11.00" per "1000", but the minimum invoice is "£33.00"
I have setup my page with 4 boxes. One is qty (Quantity), another is cost (Price) and two hidden fields. One of these fields is for google checkout (the product prices) the final field is a hidden field I put there, to try to compare the prices and update the cost.
Currently, I have on my quantity change textbox onChange event, this:
function labels_1 () {
var cost;
var costper1k = '11.00';
var qty = orderform.labels_1_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.hiddenprice_1.value = cost;
orderform.prodprice_1.value = orderform.labels_1_cost.value;
orderform.productname_1.value='26x44mm (4a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_1_qty.value;
This is working well, without the validation of minimum invoice amount.
I have this 6 functions, all like this because we sell 6 label types. As I said, google checkout works fine with all these.
I tried creating this:
function hidden_1 () {
var cost = '33.00';
var originalcost = orderform.labels_1_cost.value;
var a = Number(orderform.hidden_1.value);
var b = Number(orderform.hidden_2.value);
var c = Number(orderform.hidden_3.value);
var d = Number(orderform.hidden_4.value);
var e = Number(orderform.hidden_5.value);
var f = Number(orderform.hidden_6.value);
var total = a+b+c+d+e+f;
if (total.value < '33'){
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);}
if (total.value > '33') {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = originalcost;}
and appending hidden_1(); to the end of the label_1() function.
It doesn't work, And I am tearing my hair out trying to fix it. I'm not even sure I am doing that right.
Can Anyone offer any help? many thanks
Sorry, here is my formatCurrency function:
function formatCurrency(num) {
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g,'');
num = "0";
sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001);
cents = num%100;
num = Math.floor(num/100).toString();
cents = "0" + cents;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+
return (((sign)?'':'-') + '£' + num + '.' + cents);
Full Site Code: Order.php:
<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "css/forms-style.css";</style>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/labels.js"></script>
<script id="googlecart-script" type="text/javascript"
<div id="wrapper">
<form name="orderform">
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<div id="content">
<div class="heading-section">
<h2>Printed Labels</h2>
<p>All Printed Labels come outside wound, with a standard <strong>10 item setups per roll.</strong></p>
<p>The minimum Invoice amount is <strong>£30.00</strong></p>
<div align="center" id="statement">Hover Over Images To Zoom</div>
<?php tableformat( '1', '26x44mm (4a) 76mm Cores','26x44mm Labels. Custom options are available for these labels. They can include the text SPECIAL BUY or SPECIAL PURCHASE overprinted in <font color=red><strong>RED</strong></font> ink. These labels can also include a Country of Origin and the John lewis Address. The labels are also available in blockout (opaque) backing, to be used for repricing, or generally covering other labels.','Style: <select class="product-attr-color">
<option>Special Buy</option>
<option>Special Purchase</option>
<option>Opaque Backing Material</option>
</select>','img/img_1.png','img/img_7.png','img/img_8.png','img/img_1_thumb.png','img/img_7_thumb.png','img/img_8_thumb.png' ); ?>
<?php tableformat( '2', '44x26mm (2a) 76mm Cores','44x26mm Labels. Custom options are available for these labels. They can include the text SPECIAL BUY or SPECIAL PURCHASE overprinted in <开发者_JS百科font color=red><strong>RED</strong></font> ink. These labels can also include a Country of Origin and the John lewis Address. The labels are also available in blockout (opaque) backing, to be used for repricing, or generally covering other labels.','Style: <select class="product-attr-color">
<option>Special Buy</option>
<option>Special Purchase</option>
<option>Opaque Backing Material</option>
</select>','img/img_2.png','','','img/img_2_thumb.png','','' ); ?>
<?php tableformat( '3', '35x13mm (2a) 76mm Cores','35x13mm Labels. These Labels can include a Country of Origin. Please Note, the size of the label is fairly limited','','img/img_3.png','','','img/img_3_thumb.png','','' ); ?>
<?php tableformat( '4', '80x10mm [dumbells] (1a) 76mm Cores','80x10mm Dumbell Labels. These Labels can be produced with either an EAN8 or an EAN13 consumer code','','img/img_4.png','','','img/img_4_thumb.png','','' ); ?>
<?php tableformat( '5', '25x10mm [price only] (4a) 76mm Cores','25x10mm Labels. These Small labels may include a Price Only. No text will be printed on these labels. If you require Text, please look at some of the other sizes above','','img/img_5.png','','','img/img_5_thumb.png','','' ); ?>
<?php tableformat( '6', '15x8mm [price only] (4a) 76mm Cores','15x8mm Labels. These Small labels may include a Price Only. No text will be printed on these labels. If you require Text, please look at some of the other sizes above','','img/img_6.png','','','img/img_6_thumb.png','','' ); ?>
<div class="heading-section" align="right">
<input type="reset">
<!-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
function tableformat( $num, $label, $labeldesc, $options, $pic1, $pic2, $pic3, $thumb1, $thumb2, $thumb3) {
'<div id="'.$num.'" class="section">
<div class="product">
<table border=0 width=100% align=center class="product-table">
<tr valign=top bgcolor=3366cc>
<td colspan=4><span class="product-name">'.$label.'</span> <a class="p1" href="#v"><img onerror="\'none\'" src="'.$thumb1.'" alt=""><b><img class="large" onerror="\'none\'" src="'.$pic1.'" alt=""></b></a> <a class="p1" onerror="\'none\'" ;href="#v"><img onerror="\'none\'" src="'.$thumb2.'" alt=""><b><img onerror="\'none\'" class="large" src="'.$pic2.'" alt=""></b></a> <a class="p1" href="#v"><img onerror="\'none\'" src="'.$thumb3.'" alt=""><b><img class="large" onerror="\'none\'" src="'.$pic3.'" alt=""></b></a></td>
<input type="hidden" name="productname_'.$num.'" class="product-title" value="0"/>
<tr><td> </td>
<td align="left" colspan="2">
<span id="labels_'.$num.'_exp">'.$labeldesc.'</span>
<tr><td> </td>
<tr valign=center align=right>
<td width=30%>
<td width=auto>
<strong>Quantity:</strong> <input type="text" name="labels_'.$num.'_qty" size="10" value=0 onChange="OnChan();">
<strong>Price:</strong> <input type="text" name="labels_'.$num.'_cost" class="form-cost" size="10" value="0.00" onChange="OnChan();">
<input type="hidden" name="prodprice_'.$num.'" class="product-price" value="£0.00"/>
<input type="hidden" name="hiddenprice_'.$num.'" value="0.00"/>
<td> </td>
<td width=30%>
<td width=auto align=right>
<div role="button" alt="Add to cart" tabindex="0" class="googlecart-add-button" onClick="hidden_'.$num.';">
} // tableformat
labels.js is here:
function formatCurrency(num) {
num = num.toString().replace(/\$|\,/g,'');
num = "0";
sign = (num == (num = Math.abs(num)));
num = Math.floor(num*100+0.50000000001);
cents = num%100;
num = Math.floor(num/100).toString();
cents = "0" + cents;
for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((num.length-(1+i))/3); i++)
num = num.substring(0,num.length-(4*i+3))+','+
return (((sign)?'':'-') + '£' + num + '.' + cents);
function isPositiveInteger(val){
if(val==null){return false;}
if (val.length==0){return false;}
for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
var ch = val.charAt(i)
if (ch < "0" || ch > "9") {
return false
return true;
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_1 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '11.00';
var qty = orderform.labels_1_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
alert("test - end of normal");
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hidden - 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function hidden_1 () {
var costed = '33.00';
var originalcost = orderform.labels_1_cost.value;
var a = Number(orderform.hidden_1.value);
var b = Number(orderform.hidden_2.value);
var c = Number(orderform.hidden_3.value);
var d = Number(orderform.hidden_4.value);
var e = Number(orderform.hidden_5.value);
var f = Number(orderform.hidden_6.value);
var total = a+b+c+d+e+f;
if (total < 33){
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = costed;}
if (total => 33) {
orderform.labels_1_cost.value = originalcost;}
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_2 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '11.00';
var qty = orderform.labels_2_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_2_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_2_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_2_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_3 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '11.00';
var qty = orderform.labels_3_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_3_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_3_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_3_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_4 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '13.75';
var qty = orderform.labels_4_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_4_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_4_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_4_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_5 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '7.89';
var qty = orderform.labels_5_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_5_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_5_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_5_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function labels_6 () {
var cost, desc;
var costper1k = '10.14';
var qty = orderform.labels_6_qty.value;
if ( isNaN( qty ) ) {
orderform.labels_6_cost.value = "Not a Valid Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else if ( qty < 0 ) {
orderform.labels_6_cost.value = "Negative Quantity";
desc = 'Not a Valid Quantity';
else {
cost = ((qty/1000)*costper1k);
desc = qty+' ordered at a cost of '+formatCurrency(cost);
orderform.labels_6_cost.value = formatCurrency(cost);
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
OnChan (Changes)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
function OnChan () {
orderform.productname_1.value='26x44mm (4a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_1_qty.value;
orderform.productname_2.value='44x26mm (2a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_2_qty.value;
orderform.productname_3.value='35x13mm (2a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_3_qty.value;
orderform.productname_4.value='80x10mm [dumbells] (1a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_4_qty.value;
orderform.productname_5.value='25x10mm [price only] (4a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_5_qty.value;
orderform.productname_6.value='15x8mm [price only] (4a) 76mm Cores'+' x '+orderform.labels_6_qty.value;
and a test website is up at:
also - here is a test version without the comparison, which works fine... but i need the minimum invoice amount
You don't say how it's not working and what diagnostics you've got but... might it be because you're comparing strings rather than numeric values? So, for example, '6' > '33'. That "total.value" looks dodgy to me too.