
passing an array of character to function c++

Let's say I have the following:

char cipan[9];

then what should I pass to the function? how about the get and set method??

I'm currently doing like this

set method

void setCipan(char cipan[]){

this->cipan = cipan;

and the get method

char getCipan(){
return cipan;

and I get an error when compiling??

Im totally blur.. can someone explain what should i pass to the function??

    class userData{
    string name;
    char  dateCreate[9];

    void userDataInput(string name,char dateCreate[]){
        this->name = name;
        this->dateCreate = dateCreate;

    userData(string name){
    userData(string name,char dateCreate[]){
    //mutator methods
    void changeName(string name){this->name = name;}
    void changeDateCreate(char *dateCreate){this->dateCreate = dateCreate;}
    //accesor methods
    string getName(){return name;}
   开发者_如何学运维 char *getDateCreate(){return dateCreate;}


I'd do the following:

void setCipan(const char* new_cipan)
    strcpy(cipan, new_cipan);

const char* getCipan() const
    return cipan;

Of course, the better approach is to use std::string:

void setCipan(const string& new_cipan)
    cipan = new_cipan;

string getCipan() const
    return cipan;

  • Constructor's purpose is to initialize class variables. I think it's unnecessary to call another method in the constructor to do initialization.

void userDataInput(string name,char dateCreate[]){
    this->name = name;
    this->dateCreate = dateCreate; // Both the dateCreate are class variables.

userData(string name){
    userDataInput(name,dateCreate); // dateCreate is already a class variable.

dateCreate is the class scope variable. You are just passing it to a method, and re-assigning the same to dateCreate. Assignment operation doesn't copy elements of one array to another and are invalid operations.

To copy array elements, use std::copy instead.





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