
DataMember's name

Is it possible somehow to add DataContract/DataMember attributes for existing binary classes (available only as compiled dll)? The main goal is to set DataMember name, to avoid ugly property names for generated proxies. I think, I am looking for something like metadata classes in WCF RIA services, but maybe there is some better a开发者_如何学运维pproach. Thanks!

P.S. IL modification is not an option.

In the end all the attributes are no more than a bit of metadata used to generate the WSDL and scheme. If you look at workflow services you will not find an interface with a ServiceContract and methonds with OperationContract but the same kind of WSDL is still generated by the WCF infrastructure. The same should be possible with a regular WCF service.

I have never done so but this blog post about programatically creating a WCF contract should point you in the right direction.





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