
Site like cplusplus.com for C++11

One simple question: does anybody know a site like cplusplus.com (that has functions and headers nicely organized, includes examples(that is very important to me)) and that it is up to date(C++11).

I ask because I'm unable to find any site like that. Also I can't understand the c++ standard PDF, when it comes to reading out the member functions and stu开发者_如何学Pythonff like that.

Also googling for specific stuff is often useless (If you don't believe me try to find some atomic header examples).

cppreference.com is a great reference for C++03.

It's getting pretty comprehensive in C++11 features these days. It doesn't have total coverage of everything, but it's getting pretty close.

I surveyed the msdn documentation Ashot refers to. I thought it would be interesting to note which headers are not standard in this list (are extensions), and which C++11 headers are currently missing. Here's the results:

<allocators>  // not standard
<atomic>      // missing
<ccomplex>    // missing
<cfenv>       // missing
<chrono>      // missing
<condition_variable>  // missing
<cstdbool>     // missing
<cstdint>      // missing
<ctgmath>       // missing
<cvt/wbuffer>  // not standard
<cvt/wstring>  // not standard
<future>      // missing
<hash_map>    // not standard
<hash_set>    // not standard
<initializer_list>  // missing
<mutex>        // missing
<ratio>        // missing
<scoped_allocator>  // missing
<thread>        // missing
<typeindex>     // missing

I think msdn documentation can be useful for you.

It contains documentation for libraries already implemented in VS 2010.





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