
PhpMyAdmin password

I get the error #1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) after I accidentaly changed the password in phpmyadmi开发者_如何学编程n for root and . the problem is i cannot change common.lib.php. I want to revert these changes in mysql somehow... Doe to the security of the server i cannot change much

I hope you can access the mysql server administration. As I know the root is the main user in MySQL it'll be a problem if you cannot access it. If you have a user with the same level, try to change the password there if possible.

Here's the step on how to reset the root password in MySQL

  • How to Reset the Root Password

I was also dependent in phpmyadmin before until I know sqlyog and MySQL Query Browser and WorkBench. Have a look on this as an alternative on phpmyadmin.

  • Download MySQL Workbench
  • SQLyog free download

It's been a while since I've used phpMyAdmin, but if I'm not mistaken, it stores it's passwords in the mysql database it self. So, if you are able to get access to the command-line of the server, you are able to change the password using simple SQL statements.

Go to /etc/phpmyadmin folder. Open config-db.php

Here you will find your default username and password





验证码 换一张
取 消

