JSF:: h:commandLink onsubmit(return validateRow(this)) problem
I have a h:commandLink in one of the column in datatable.
<h:commandLink id="save" actionListener="#{ApplicationManagerBean.update}"
value="save" onclick="return validateRow(this)"/>
Generated HTML is
<a id="routeappcodesummary:summarytable:2:save"
onclick="var cf = function(){return validateRow(this)};
var oamSF = function(){return oamSubmitForm('routeappcodesummary','routeappcodesummary:summarytable:2:save');};return (cf()==false)? false : oamSF();"
Mojarra 1.2_15
<a href="#" onclick="var a=function(){return validateRow(this);};var b=function()
{if(typeof jsfcljs == 'function'){jsfcljs(document.getElementById('j_id_jsp_1765393453_2'),
_2:j_id_jsp_1765393453_3:0:j_id_jsp_1765393453_7'},'');}return false};return (a()==false) ?
false : b();">test</a>
Here the generated javascript for onclick encapsulates the script provided in JSF tag.
function validateRow(link){
//link is not a link object but some window object.
var parent = link.parentNode;
Here in javascript function we don't get a link object but a window object. Reason is script provided in JSF tag was encapsulated 开发者_高级运维and due to that value of this reference changes.
How can I solve this problem, so that I can get link object in my script?
Using onmouseup won't work in IE 6.
Using JSF 1.2
You can't indeed give your JavaScript function the reference to this
, as the onclick
code will be encapsulated in a JavaScript function.
You can try to find this link element in your validateRow()
function using some JavaScript code, as the one proposed by Stig Henriksen.
Another idea is to add a fake CSS class on your link, and search you element using this class:
<h:commandLink id="save" actionListener="#{ApplicationManagerBean.update}"
rendered="#{routeappcode.edit}" value="save"
onclick="return validateRow();" styleClass="saveLink"/>
then, in your JavaScript code (I use jQuery here, but you can use pure JS instead):
function validateRow() {
// We retrieve a jQuery object:
var jQueryObject = $("a.saveLink");
// If you prefer to get a "pure" JavaScript object
var pureJavaScriptObject = $("a.saveLink").get(0);
// continue your work here...
Don't know why JSF does that, but here is a workaround for getting the link using jQuery:
<h:commandLink id="save" actionListener="#{ApplicationManagerBean.update}"
onclick="return validateRow($('a[id*=save]')[0])"/>