
mongodb - database is not connecting

I follow exactly the steps described in official tutorial http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Quickstart+Windows

But when I run application requiring mongodb, the error says "can not connecting to mongo".

greatly appreciate detail steps 开发者_开发技巧of how to run one of those mentioned apps in windows.

What I've got so far:

node version 0.5 pre
npm version 3.2
mogoose installed
mongo-connect installed
jade installed
express installed
stylus installed

Run the following as it is:

  1. Open Command line prompt in Windows

  2. Goto your mongodb directory (~/mongodb/bin/) and run the following command:

    ./mongo --bind_ip localhost:27017

    Now it will give you the message that mongo server is running and waiting connections at port 27017.

  3. Now make sure that you keep this window running and open a new windows command line window and run the chat.io using the same node main.js command

This SHOULD work. Everything seems set now !

I'm guessing the mongo service isn't starting. Did you create some method (such as a batch file, or windows service) that will launch the mongo db?





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