
Cast in List object

I have an interface A, class B inherits from interface A. I have a 开发者_StackOverflowlist of objects:

List<B> myB;
List<A> myA;

I want to assign myB to myA but I get a error "Cannot implicit convert type 'B' to 'A':

myA = myB;

Please help me. Thanks.

You need to convert each element of the list. It cannot be automatically converted for you. Easiest would be Linq:

myA = myB.Cast<A>().ToList();

Update: This question: Why is this cast not possible? discusses it in more detail.

It might help you: Cast List<int> to List<string> in .NET 2.0

IList<T> is not covariant, where as IEnumerable<T> is, you can do the following..

void Main()

     IEnumerable<B> myB= new List<B>();
     IEnumerable<A> myA = myB;

public interface A

public class B :A

see this previous SO Question

You need to make a way to convert between type A and type B.

There is no way to assign a list of one type to another, unless the type B is the same as type A.

You can use the Cast<T> operator for derived types:

class A {}
class AA : A {}

List<AA> aas = new List<AA> {new AA()};
List<A> bunchofA = aas.Cast<A>().ToList();

This only works when casting to less derived types (from descendant to ancestor). This won't work:

List<A> bunchofA = new List<A> {new A()};
List<AA> aas = bunchofA.Cast<AA>.ToList();

Because the compiler cannot know what to do to make the extra bits that AA has from A.

You can also, in a rather contrived way, use implicit conversion:

class A

class B
    public static implicit operator B(A a)
        return new B();

    public static implicit operator A(B a)
        return new A();

List<B> bs = new List<B>{new B()};
List<A> bunchOfA = bs.Select(b => (A)b).ToList();

This will work in either direction, but might cause confusion, so it is better to create explicit conversion methods and use those.

That is correct. List is a list of Apples and List is a list of .. err .. batmans! You cannot try to put one into the other.

Technically, you cannot refer to one as the other!





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