Android Keystore Type which one should I choose?
I want to store secure data in a keystore. Therefore I use
KeyStore store = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
But Android seems to not know "JCEKS".
04-18 10:52:17.236: WARN/System.err(474): KeyStore JCEKS implementation not found
Trying JKS gives the same error. What algorithm is good开发者_JAVA技巧 to use it on android?
Android seems to be using bouncycastle provider. This is the default provider that, the api returns. To be sure which one is available as default on the device use KeyStore.getDefaultType()
In my case this returned 'BKS'. Also there seems to be an exception when there is a '.' character in the keystore file path.
when I stored the store to a folder with the name of my package (as recommended in the Android documentation), it resulted in an exception.
you may like to check this also.
Did you load the keystore before you tried to access it? Did the error message happen right at the getInstance instruction?
Some googling has said that "PKCS12" worked for a few people, give that a go.
Use it's KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12");
Create keystore with tool "KeyTools Explorer" !
You need bouncy castle key store (BKS). Take a look here
This worked for me:
KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("AndroidKeyStore");
Remember to call KeyStore.load(KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter param)
before calling KeyStore.getEntry (String alias, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter param)
, i.e.
KeyStore.Entry keyStoreEntry = keyStore.getEntry(alias, null);
This might help:
static public void listAlgorithms( String algFilter ){[] providers =;
for ( p : providers ){
String providerStr = String.format( "%s/%s/%f\n", p.getName(), p.getInfo(),
p.getVersion() );
mLog.debug( providerStr );
Set< Service > services = p.getServices();
List< String > algs = new ArrayList<>();
for ( Service s : services ){
boolean match = true;
if ( algFilter != null ){
match = s.getAlgorithm().toLowerCase().contains( algFilter.toLowerCase() );
if ( match ){
String algStr = String.format( "\t%s/%s/%s", s.getType(),
s.getAlgorithm(), s.getClassName() );
algs.add( algStr );
Collections.sort( algs );
for ( String alg : algs ) mLog.debug( "\t" + alg );
mLog.debug( "" );