
How to make a generic Func<T> in a dictionary

Is it possible to make

public class MyClass : Dictionary<string, Func<string>>


public class MyClass : Dictionary<string, Func<T>>

Actually I have

public class MyClass : Dictionary<string, Func<string>>
    public void MyFunction(string key)
        if (this.ContainsKey(key))
            this["n开发者_如何学JAVAo match"]();

I want to make the value as generic. is it possible?


The type has to be specified somewhere, so you would have to make your class generic also:

public class Myclass<T> : Dictionary<string, Func<T>> {

  public T MyFunction(string key) {
    if (this.ContainsKey(key)) {
      return this[key]();
    } else {
      return this["no match"]();


You can specify the type as par the object instantiation. I have provided working code.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace GenericDictionary
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            DictionaryUser dictionaryUser = new DictionaryUser();

        class GenericFuncDictionary<T> : Dictionary<string, Func<T>>
            public void DisplayValues()
                foreach(Func<T> fun in this.Values)

        class DictionaryUser
            public DictionaryUser()
                GenericFuncDictionary<string> myDictionary = new GenericFuncDictionary<string>();
                myDictionary.Add("World", FunWorld);
                myDictionary.Add("Universe", FunUniverse);
            public string FunWorld()
                return "Hello World";
            public string FunUniverse()
                return "Hello Universe";

It wasn't entirely clear if you want the type parameter of your Func<T> to be part of the MyClass signature (e.g. MyType<T>) as other answers assumed or if you wanted to be able to store any type of Func<T> in the dictionary and figure out the right thing at runtime.

If you want the latter case and you use C# 4.0 then you can do this:

class MyClass : Dictionary<string, Func<object>>
    public void MyFunction<T>(string key)
        Func<object> func;
        if (this.TryGetValue(key, out func) && func is Func<T>)
            func = this["no match"];
            if (func is Func<T>)
            { */ do something else, or maybe you don't care about the type of "no match" */ }

The reason for using C# 4.0 with this is that you can now write:

MyClass myClass = ...;
Func<string> stringFunc = ...;
myClass["test"] = stringFunc;

Prior to C# 4.0 it was not possible to cast an Func<string> to a Func<object>. In that case you would have to write either of these two lines (can't be bothered to check if the first line would compile prior to 4.0):

myClass["test"] = () => stringFunc();
myClass["test"] = () => (object) stringFunc();

And to use it you could write:

MyClass myClass = ...;

The following scenario would allow you to use a dictionary of elements to send in as input parameters and get the same as the output parameters.

First add the following line at the top:

using TFunc = System.Func<System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object>, System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<string, object>>;

Then inside your class, define the dictionary as follows:

     private Dictionary<String, TFunc> actions = new Dictionary<String, TFunc>(){

                        {"getmultipledata", (input) => 
                                //DO WORKING HERE
                                return null;
                         {"runproc", (input) => 
                                //DO WORKING HERE
                                return null;

This would allow you to run these anonymous functions with a syntax similar to this:

var output = actions["runproc"](inputparam);




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