
communication between smartphone

how can I communicate with another smartphone per example in a game? I'm developing in objective-c, I need to pass/receive informations about positions of some elements on the screen, but I've not ideas of how i can do this, can you give me some tips? Do i need a physical server with a socket open? and how can i manage the connection开发者_如何学Python?

Thanks for any help. Jonathan.

Look into the peer-to-peer methods of GameKit. It's designed for multiple devices to communicate with each other. iOS only.

One phone can't readily programmatically talk directly to another phone. Well, you might be able to get phone A to send an email or SMS to phone B, but then phone B's app won't be able to act on the notification. (Since you mention obj-C I assume you're using iOS)

So you'll likely have to have a central server help out. Assuming apps running on both phones. Phone A can make an http request to the server; while phone B polls for a possible response. It can use a comet-like technique to reduce polling overhead.





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