formatting when writing to an xml file
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('RootElement');
$r = $tags->item(0);
$a = $doc->createElement( 'Lead' );
$r->appendChild( $a );
$b = $doc->createElement( 'Contact' );
$b->setAttribute('FirstName', ''.$name.'');
$b->setAttribute('LastName', ''.$last_name.'');
$b->setAttribute('Email', ''.$email.'');
$b->setAttribute('StreetAddress', ''.$address.'');
$b->setAttribute('City', ''.$city.'');
$a->appendChild( $b );
$c = $doc->createElement( 'Qualifications' );
$a->appendChild( $c );
$d = $doc->createElement( 'PropertyInterest' );
$a->appendChild( $d );
outputs to a file and looks like
<Lead><Contact FirstName="test " LastName="test" Email="" StreetAddress="n/a" City="test"/><Qualifications/><PropertyInterest BuilderName="test"/></Lead></RootElement>
there's tons of whitespace... im submitting this to a CRM and i'm assuming that whitespace does make a difference in how it's parsed.
So, how do I format the xml using the DOMDocument?
if that lib is anything like jdom you should be able to set the format on the outputter. something along theses lines: