
Is there such a thing as portable SQL?

In my experience, even though there is a SQL standard, it is quite difficult to write SQL that works, unmodified, over a large number of RDBMS.

Thus, I'd like to know if there is a subset of SQL (including DDL, schemas, etc) that is known to work on all major RDBMS, including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server and, last but not least, Oracle. What kind of pitfalls should be avoided when writing portable SQL?

By the way, is there a project whose goal is to translate a valid subset of SQL into the specific dialects used by all these vendors? I know that Hibernate and other ORM systems have to do this, but I don't want ORM, I want to write straight-to-database SQL.


The problem is that some DBMS even ignore the most simple standards (e.g. like quoting characters or string concatenation).

So the following (100% ANSI SQL) does not run on every DBMS:

UPDATE some_table
    SET some_column = some_column || '_more_data';

And I'M not even thinking about more advanced SQL standards like recursive common table expressions (even those that support it don't always comply) or windowing functions (some only implement a very narrow subset, some do not support all options).

Regarding DDL, there is the problem with data types. DATE is not the same everywhere, just as TIMESTAMP. Not every DBMS has a BOOLEAN type or TIME type.

When it comes to constraints or domains you get even more differences.

So in a nutshell: unless you really, really need to be DBMS independent, don't bother with it.

Having said all that: if you do have the choice between a proprietary and standard syntax do choose the standard syntax (OUTER JOIN vs (+) or *=, decode vs CASE, nvl vs. coalesce and so on).

Within each RDBMS, whatever is listed as ANSI-compliant should be the same across all of them as that is the true standard. However, by sticking with only ANSI (i.e. portable) stuff, then you lose out on the optimized, vendor-specific functionality. Also, just because PostgreSQL implements an ANSI function doesn't mean that it is available in any other RDBMS (but if it is available, then it should work the same).

Personally, I see no value in truly portable SQL code or a project to normalize down to a lowest-common-denominator set as each particular RDBMS is optimized differently. There is no common application language. IF you are using C#, then you wouldn't be wanting to use stuff that can only be found in PHP or JAVA. So just embrace the platform you are on :).

Edit: If you are writing an application that can connect to several different RDBMS's, then you will likely need to find the appropriate SQL for each particular platform, just like the authors of each of the ORM's had to do.

Simple queries are almost always portable. Unfortunately, the list of SQL vendors that you provided vary greatly in their standards compliance. MS SQL Server is at the top of the ones that you listed in terms of complying with ANSI SQL standards, and both MySQL and Oracle are notoriously bad when it comes to standards compliance. That, of course, is not to say that they're bad RDBMS engines or that you can't write powerful queries with them, but their adherence to standards is not exactly what they're known for.

Note that you've omitted some big RDBMS players in that list, namely Sybase and IBM's DB2. Those two are generally more standards-compliant than the others, for what that's worth.

The ideal that I can write SQL code on one product and expect it to work on another without modification is an impossible dream.

I rather think of "portability" as being a meaure of how easy it is move code to another SQL product or, crucially, to a later version of the same SQL product, noting that established SQL products tend to move toward the SQL Standards (e.g. SQL-92's UPDATE requires scalar subqueries hence is long-winded, SQL Server early on provided proprietary JOIN..FROM syntax then for SQL Server 2008 provided a MERGE syntax which supports and extends Standard SQL's MERGE).

As a rule of thumb, use Standard SQL code where your SQL product supports it (e.g. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP rather than SQL Server's getdate()), otherwise prefer proprietary code that easily maps into Standard SQL code (e.g. SQL Server's SUBSTRING() easily maps to Standard SQL's SUBSTRING() using a macro). Note that some functions outside of the SQL Standard will be common to SQL products (e.g. most/all will have a MOD() function or operator).

I build web applications using Alpha Five which has a feature called "Portable SQL". There are about 200 "Portability Functions". If I use a portability function, it will automatically convert to native SQL to fit whichever engine I happen to use.

So if I write "SELECT now() FROM clients", now() being a portability function, that syntax will automatically be converted to the native language depending on which I happen to use. They support 22 different SQL engines.

  • MYSQL-SELECT Now() AS Expr1 FROM client
  • SYBASE-SELECT getdate() AS Expr1 FROM client
  • ODBC-SELECT {fn Now()} AS Expr1 FROM client




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