
jQuery dialog: how to prevent closing the dialog + an extra get request!

The work flow: user click the button, a dialog box opens with a search form. An ajax post request is sent to the server, and get a json response. I get the callback on success handler. Now two issues.

  1. the dialog closes upon success callback (successFn). I get the json response in the success call back, and I want the user to see the result and press close button to terminate the dialog,.

    1. Soon after the dialog closes, a get request is sent to server. After closing the dialog by itself, the url is like http://localhost:8080/search?query= . I do not send any GET request explicitly

    jQuery(document).ready( function(){ jQuery("#myButto开发者_运维百科n").click( showDialog );
            $myWindow = jQuery('#myDiv');
            $myWindow.dialog({ width: 400, autoOpen:false, title:'Hello World',
                    overlay: { opacity: 0.5, background: 'black'},  
                    modal: true,    
                    /*open: function (type, data) {
                        // include modal into form
                    },      */          
                    buttons: {
                        "Submit Form": function() { $('form#myform').submit();},
                        "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
    var showDialog = function() {
    var closeDialog = function() {
    var successFn = function (response) {   
            var obj = JSON.parse(response); 
    var errorFn =  function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError){
    var query = $("input#query").val(); 
    var dataString = 'query='+ query ;  
            type: 'post',
            dataType: 'json',
            url: '/search',
            async: false,
            data: $("#myform").serialize(),
            success: successFn,
            error: errorFn

It would be a good idea to add method="post" to your form to avoid any accidental GET data being sent.

Adding return false; to the success function may stop the dialog from closing. I'll test this if I can.

Edit: also check that all your code is inside jQuery(document).ready( function(){

Hope that helps!

I think you just need to add return false.

"Submit Form": function() { $('form#myform').submit(); return false;},




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