
Thinking Sphinx can't sort when using delta indexing

I'm not sure who is at fault here, but we have a column in our users table called last_logged_in_at that we use for sorting. This is in a Ra开发者_高级运维ils 2.3 project using Thinking Sphinx with delta indexes enabled.

When a record has delta set to true, it is push to the bottom even if the sorting by last_logged_in_at should put it at the top.

I tried with last_logged_in_at being a datetime, a timestamp and even an integer and the behavior is always the same.

Any ideas why?

The query looks something like:

 :order=>"last_logged_in_at DESC, updated_at DESC",

Sorry, life's crazy busy, hence slow reply.

You're filtering on a string - which Sphinx doesn't currently allow. There are ways around this, though.

Also: You're using :with_all, but :with behaves in exactly the same way in your situation. :with_all is useful when you want to match multiple values on a single attribute. For example, this query will match results where articles have any of the given tag ids:

Article.search :with => {:tag_ids => [1, 2, 3]}

But this next query matches articles with all of the given tag ids:

Article.search :with_all => {:tag_ids => [1, 2, 3]}

I realise neither of these points are directly related to your issue - however, it's best to get the query valid first, and then double-check whether the behaviour is correct or not.





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