
Escape a curly brace { in Velocity

SORRY: This is my bad. This error is due incorrect json produce and to Chrome extension "JSONView in Chrome". See my own answer (I had to answer this myself - as I could not delete the question anymore).

I am using Velocity (Maven version 1.7 of org.apache.velocity) as templating engine, and I want output as f开发者_高级运维ollows:

   total : 234

now when I try:

    total : $listing.size()

I get an error:

Error: Parse error on line 1:
{   total : 0}
Expecting 'STRING', '}'

Escape a curly brace { in Velocity

and when I try to escape the curly braces:

    total : $listing.size()

I get the escape characters in the final output!:

   total : 234

Sorry this was due incorrect JSON I was producing, which Chrome browser's extension "JSONView" pointed out to me. This was because my keys were not strings... i.e. I had:

 {total: 0}

but I should've had:

 {"total" : 0}

Indeed there is a better way of doing this.

use the accepted answer here (How to XML escaping with Apache Velocity?) to do the initial set-up

you would need to add the velocity-tools dependency as well :


and then you can use the escape mechanism of the Velocity Engine like this (for your case)

$esc.java("{total: 0}")

you can also checkout more escape options here(http://velocity.apache.org/tools/devel/generic/EscapeTool.html)

I ended up creating a constant ocb = { and ccb = } and using $ocb and $ccb.

I am sure there is a better way. ;)

Here is something that looks like your situation: http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/user-guide.html#escapinginvalidvtlreferences


Try to do this first:

#set( $startbrace = "{" )
#set( $endbrace = "}" )

and then make your text this:

    total : $listing.size()




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